Words of Encouragement

Do not be discouraged by the information contained here. Most programs review applications in a holistic manner, meaning that they consider all aspects of an application and do not dismiss an applicant if they aren’t within criteria laid forth.

Put your best foot forward when you apply. Strengthen your application where you can.

Most importantly (and I cannot stress this enough): do not sell yourself short if you know there is an aspect about your application that gives you an edge, even if your test scores aren’t the highest.

You can do this! Write down the steps you need to take to get to where you want to be. Work at it, check off the boxes, and before you know it, you’ll be applying, then interviewing, then putting on your White Coat and learning how to become a Certified Anesthesiologist Assistant!

Yes, there are time frames for the GRE, MCAT, and pre-requisites, but DO NOT WORRY about how long it will take you. The time will pass anyway, so you might as well work toward your goal!

I’m so proud of you and wish you the best!